Normal Buisness Hours
Monday/Tuesday/Thursday & Friday : 8:30am-8pm
Wednesday: 3pm-8pm
Saturday: 8am-1:30pm
Family-Owned and Operated Since 1988!

Will I swim in 5 classes?
The Swim of Things instructs young athletes on swim team material. We coach and instruct refinement of the four strokes (butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle) four starts and four turns. We are not exclusive to any teams, we accept any swimmer seeking better times and a competitive edge.
How many classes will it take before I learn how to swim?
Each student will move at ones own pace. The more adjusted swimmer will be less apprehensive towards water and will make for a quicker learning process. Students under six years of age deal with co-ordination and strength hurdles which dictate their learning to swim.
Do you guarantee learning to swim?
Yes, in general everyone will learn to swim. We just don’t know how many classes it may take, or how much time will be needed to get over the fear and apprehension of water.
What will my child learn?
The Swim of Things staff is certified by the American Red Cross. Our instructors utilize water safety instruction (WSI) to teach according to the itinerary and skill progression. We begin our classes with bubbles, rudimentary kicking, back floats, jumping in, and treading water. Students under six years of age follow a modified progression reflecting age and abilities.
Will you force my child?
We certainly will encourage, demonstrate, push, kid, and challenge a student. Brutal force heading toward fear is discouraged. The Swim of Things creates and environment that is filled with fun swim instruction. The teacher does put their own personal touches of humor and entertainment to keep the child looking forward to each up coming class.
Do we live in this house?
No, this is a house converted into an inviting swimming education center. No one but the two gold fish live here.
Are there any discounts?
No, we do not offer family discounts. If you will be missing a class, we do allow it to be made up with an $8 make up fee. We do not prorate these classes, because if you are there or not; we will still be holding your class spot for you.
Who is my instructor?
At the Swim of Things a total of five certified instructors conduct classes. You may inquire as to which instructor is scheduled to teach at specific times. You may also request a specific instructor and register for classes assigned with that instructor.
Referral credit towards classes?
A small consideration will be given towards a customer who has referred more than five people to our school in one year. We have been built on word of mouth and without everyone referring non-swimmers we would be sunk.
The best age to start lessons?
Start with the baby’s first bath. Follow that up with pool play; make the water environment fun to be around. The parent should not portray being wet or splashed as a bad thing. At the age of two and above, lessons are offered to children in the form of ‘with parent’ classes. At the age of three and up children attend class on their own. However parents are encouraged to watch support their new swimmers from the steps, with the pool only four feet away.
Will I have classmates my own age?
Students are placed in groups of three according to age and skill. Sometimes the skill is more important than age. The Swim of Things has had the occasional twenty-something together with a ten year old, but only after it was explained to each student attending. Some parents have taken lessons right along with their six year old. These classes go very smoothly because everyone is learning the same things and there are no more than three students to the class.
Do you work with a swim team?
The Swim of Things instructs young athletes on swim team material. We coach and instruct refinement of the four strokes (butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle) four starts and four turns. We are not exclusive to any teams, we accept any swimmer seeking better times and a competitive edge.
Why should my child attend The Swim of Things?
The Swim of Things is a private family business, and every student here is treated with a touch of personal care and concern. Our small environment ensures that learning to swim happens quickly in a relaxed and comfortable warm water (90 degree) environment environment. Class sizes are near private and never go over four students to an instructor.
Our classes do seem a little more expensive then the general swim class that could be found at your local pool, but we are not your ordinary pool. Swim instruction and swim tutoring are the soul function. We are an accredited member of the United Swim School Association (USSA), and abide by the United Swim School Association code of ethics.
The Swim of Things has a Public Swimming Pool/ Spa Operating License issued by the Cuyahoga County Health Department, and receives four surprise inspections during the year. This ensures that the learning environment is free of any health concerns while bringing your little swimmer in for their first bubbles.
The pool is kept in excellent condition by a specially trained and Certified Pool/ Spa Operator issued by the National Swimming Pool Foundation. This maintenance is essential to keep the pool safe for swimmers and those who are just watching.
The Swim of Things is a private family business and no monetary support comes from membership fees, initiation fees or, taxes. We also do not have the privilege to be associated with the public school systems, and are not tax deferred.
What is the benefit of 1 week vs. 5 weeks?
The Swim of Things offers five consecutive classes in a week, or one class a week for six weeks. Two factors dictate what is best for the aspiring swimmer, will they have practice time, and do they react well to new situations? During these brief or extended sessions much practice can take place or only the practice and instruction that The Swim of Things provides. The summer brings about outdoor pools everywhere and the swim instruction can be utilized. During the winter sessions our pool is open Monday thru Saturday and many students come for our $6.00 a person open swim, to practice with family and have fun.
The student has the opportunity to gain a heavy dose of swim experience during a consecutive week. This consolidated week can prove beneficial to brush up on old strokes or jump right in to a great deal of material. If the young swimmer is interested, likes new and fun experiences, we recommend the consecutive classes.
We have had some younger students who have been very timid on their first day and by the end of the five consecutive days they were enjoying the water and using their new swim strokes. The same two variables are to be considered while scheduling the classes. If the student has a hard time adjusting to strangers (i.e. swim teacher) or a new environment then the one class a week for six weeks is the more opportune way to go.